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Our Full Service Manager offering takes care of everything so you can focus on what matters most.

We handle all aspects of short-term rental management, from optimizing your listing on major booking platforms to providing 24/7 guest support. We also offer a variety of additional services, such as property improvement and marketing, to help you maximize your earnings.

Here are some of the benefits of working with iManage 24/7:

  • We take care of everything: We handle all aspects of short-term rental management, so you can focus on other things.
  • We’re experts in the short-term rental market: We have a deep understanding of the short-term rental market and can help you maximize your earnings.
  • We provide 24/7 support: We’re available 24/7 to help you with any questions or concerns.
  • We’re committed to providing excellent service: We’re committed to providing excellent service to our guests and property owners.

Contact us today to learn more about how iManage 24/7 can help you manage your short-term rental property.

What’s Included

Initial In-Person Consultation

The first step to becoming iManage 24/7 member is a consultation to get to know you and your property.

We want to make sure that we’re a good fit for each other, so we’ll take some time to learn about your goals, your property, and your needs. We’ll also answer any questions you have so that you can feel confident about working with us.

We understand that this is a big decision, so we want to make sure that you’re comfortable with the entire process.

We’ll be here to answer your questions and provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision. We’re also happy to meet with you in person so that we can get to know each other better.

We’re here to help you achieve your goals and maximize your earnings.

Let’s get started!

Listing Development

We create listings that are both beautiful and effective.

We understand that your listing is the first impression that potential guests will have of your property, so we take great care in creating listings that are both visually appealing and informative. We’ll work with you to understand your goals and your property, and then we’ll create a listing that is tailored to your specific needs.

We use data-driven insights to ensure that your listing is seen by the right people.

We analyze patterns in guest preferences to determine what factors are most important to them when booking a short-term rental. We then use this data to optimize your listing for search engines and to ensure that it is seen by the right people.

Our listing development process is results-oriented.

We track the performance of your listing and make adjustments as needed to ensure that it is achieving optimal search rankings, views, and conversions. We’re committed to helping you achieve your goals and maximize your earnings.

Let’s work together to create a listing that will wow your guests and boost your bookings.

Listing Management

We’re committed to helping you get the most out of your short-term rental property.

We work with you to optimize your listing on major booking platforms, so that it is seen by the right people and ranks high in search results. We also adjust booking settings and pricing to ensure that you are getting the best possible returns.

We understand that each booking platform has its own strengths and weaknesses.

For example, Airbnb is great for attracting last-minute bookings, while is better for attracting longer-term stays. We use our knowledge of these platforms to help you get the perfect mix of reservations throughout the year.

We’re here to help you achieve your goals and maximize your earnings.

Let’s work together to make your short-term rental property a success!

Price Optimization

We use data-driven insights to set the best possible prices for your property.

We understand that pricing is one of the most important factors in the success of a short-term rental property. We use historical data and real-time information on local events, hotel room availability, flight data, conference schedules, and of course the short-term rental market to set the best possible prices for your property.

We adjust prices daily as new data comes in.

We know that the market is constantly changing, so we adjust prices daily as new data comes in. This ensures that you are always getting the best possible return on your investment.

Many of our clients are pleasantly surprised at how much they are making.

We have helped many of our clients increase their earnings by up to 30% by using our data-driven pricing strategy. We believe that our price optimization offering is one of the biggest reasons for our clients’ success.

Guest Screening

We take guest screening seriously.

We understand that the quality of your guests is one of the most important factors in the success of your short-term rental property. We have a rigorous guest screening process that helps us to ensure that only the highest-quality guests book your property.

We learn about your preferences.

In the onboarding phase, we will learn about your preferences for guest screening. We will ask you about the type of guests you want to attract, the length of stay you prefer, and any other factors that are important to you.

We use the settings on each platform.

We will use the settings on each booking platform to increase the likelihood of getting bookings from your ideal guest. For example, we can set minimum stay requirements or require guests to provide ID verification.

Our guest experience team is trained.

Our guest experience team is trained to politely ask guests more questions about the reason for their stay and assist them with ID verification. They are also trained to handle any issues that may arise during a guest’s stay.

Good guests understand the process.

Good guests are generally very understanding of the screening and ID verification process. We always let them know that we appreciate their cooperation.

Personalized Updates

We believe in transparency.

We understand that you want to be kept in the loop about what is happening with your property. We provide monthly updates on your property’s performance, new things happening in the market, and projects we are working on to continuously improve our service.

We want to strengthen our relationship with you.

We believe that providing you with regular updates is a great way to strengthen our relationship with you. We want you to feel like you have a good grasp of what is going on with your property and what we are doing to strive for better performance.

We are always available to answer your questions.

It’s normal to have questions. Our host experience representatives are always available to chat with you about anything.

Key Exchange Coordination

We believe that a seamless key exchange experience is essential to providing a great guest experience.

We start by learning as much as we can about your guests’ travel plans. This includes their arrival time, flight information, and any special requests they may have. We then provide clear directions to your property and make sure that everything is ready for their arrival.

We are always available to answer questions and help guests get settled in.

We understand that guests may have questions or concerns, so we are always available to help. We are also happy to make arrangements for late arrivals or early departures.

Our goal is to make guests feel welcome and comfortable.

We want guests to feel like they can always ask a question and get a quick response. We believe that this is essential to providing a great guest experience.

Here are some of the benefits of a seamless check-in and check-out experience:

  • It makes guests feel welcome and appreciated.
  • It helps guests get settled in quickly and easily.
  • It reduces the risk of any misunderstandings or problems.
  • It can lead to positive reviews and repeat bookings.

We are committed to providing our guests with a seamless check-in and check-out experience.

We believe that this is essential to providing a great guest experience. We are always available to help make your guests’ stay as smooth as possible.

Cleaning Coordination

To provide a top-notch guest experience, a property needs to have a professional housekeeping team that focuses on perfecting the turnover process.

This means having housekeepers who are detail-oriented and who understand that it’s about more than just cleaning the property. They need to be able to view the property from the perspective of a guest who has high expectations.

Our housekeepers are trained to:

  • Perform checks for damages
  • Ensure replenishables are well-stocked
  • Do an inventory count to make sure essential household items and back up sheets and towels are available for the guest

We also have in-unit inspectors who double check that everything is in good order and the place is ready for guests.

This ensures that our guests have a positive experience and that they are more likely to book with us again.

Here are some of the benefits of having a professional housekeeping team:

  • It creates a positive guest experience. Guests who feel like their property has been cleaned well and that their needs have been met are more likely to have a positive experience.
  • It reduces the risk of damage to the property. When housekeepers are detail-oriented, they are less likely to miss any damage to the property.
  • It saves time and money. When housekeepers are efficient, they can clean the property more quickly and easily. This saves time and money for the property owner.

We believe that having a professional housekeeping team is essential to providing a top-notch guest experience. We are committed to providing our guests with the best possible experience, and we believe that our housekeeping team is a key part of that.

Maintenance Support

We understand that things happen, and we are committed to providing our guests with the best possible experience, even when something breaks down.

We have a team of experienced handymen and women who are available 24/7 to fix any problems that may arise. We also have a network of local specialists who can be called in for more complex repairs.

Our team is trained on the guest experience and is committed to making sure that everything in your property is in working order.

We understand that guests who pay high nightly rates expect hotel-level service, and we are dedicated to providing that.

We can coordinate with your own maintenance contacts if you prefer.

We want to make sure that you are happy with the service that you receive, so we are happy to accommodate your requests.

Here are some of the benefits of having a reliable maintenance team:

  • It provides peace of mind. Knowing that there is a team of experienced professionals who can fix any problems that may arise can give you peace of mind.
  • It saves time and money. When problems are fixed quickly, there is less disruption to your guests and less damage to your property. This can save you time and money in the long run.
  • It improves the guest experience. Guests who have a problem with their property and have it fixed quickly are more likely to have a positive experience.

We believe that having a reliable maintenance team is essential to providing our guests with the best possible experience. We are committed to providing our guests with the best possible service, and we believe that our maintenance team is a key part of that.

iManage 24/7 Experience Management

Guests who book a homestyle accommodation are looking for a unique and authentic experience.

They want to feel like they are staying in a home, not just a hotel. They want to be able to interact with the local community and experience the culture firsthand.

We know that by providing excellent service, we can help you attract these guests.

We offer a 24/7 support team that is always available to answer guest questions and address any concerns. We also have a team of on-the-ground staff who can help guests with anything they need, from directions to recommendations for local restaurants.

Our goal is to position your property as a top performer on all booking platforms.

We do this by providing a level of service that is consistently above and beyond. We want guests to feel like they are staying in a home away from home, and we are committed to making that happen.

Here are some of the benefits of providing excellent service to guests:

  • It attracts higher-paying guests. Guests who are willing to pay more for a unique and authentic experience are also more likely to be repeat customers.
  • It improves your listing’s ranking on booking platforms. Booking platforms take into account guest reviews when ranking listings, so providing excellent service can help your listing rise to the top of the search results.
  • It creates positive word-of-mouth marketing. Guests who have a positive experience are more likely to tell their friends and family about your property. This can lead to increased bookings and more revenue.

Payment Processing

The payment collection process can often be a challenging aspect of managing short-term rentals, particularly when dealing with prominent hotel platforms like, Expedia, and While these platforms have expanded their offerings to include short-term rental providers, their underlying infrastructure still primarily caters to traditional hotel chains that handle payments in person during check-in or check-out.

For short-term rental providers, navigating this landscape necessitates reliable payment gateways, robust credit card verification systems, specialized fraud prevention measures tailored to each marketing platform, and the ability to engage with guests from diverse global locations. Over the years, we have honed and refined our payment collection procedures, enabling our clients to leverage the vast marketing reach of these platforms without being burdened by administrative complexities.

ID Verification

We place the utmost emphasis on ensuring the safety and security of your property. Our top priority is to guarantee that no guest gains access to your home or building without first verifying their government-issued identification. On platforms like Airbnb, we enforce the prerequisite of guests verifying their ID before making a booking. For websites such as,, and Expedia, which lack integrated ID verification features, we mandate that all guests provide their ID to us before receiving check-in instructions. Additionally, our global team is proficient in numerous major languages, enabling us to proactively contact international guests and underscore the significance of the ID verification process immediately after they make a reservation.